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Los pocos videos del Hyde Park

Graciasa Skmknc de FunkyMonks:

Acá vuelvo a hacer la recopilación de los pocos videos (aficionados) que circulan en YouTube del recital que dieron los peppers en el Hyde Park en 2004:

1. Intro
2. Can't Stop
3. Around the World
4. Scar Tissue
5. By the Way
6. Fortune Faded
7. I Feel Love
8. Otherside I - Otherside II
9. Easily
10. Universally Speaking
11. Get on Top
12. Brandy
13. Don't Forget Me
14. Rolling Sly Stone
15. Throw Away Your Television
16. Leverage of Space
17. Purple Stain
18. The Zephyr Song
19. Californication Intro - Californication I - Californication II - Californication III
20. Right on Time
21. Parallel Universe
22. Drum Homage Medley
23. Under the Bridge I - Under the Bridge II - Under the Bridge III
24. Black Cross
25. Flea's Trumpet Treated by John
26. Give It Away I - Give It Away II
