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Mostrando las entradas de julio 12, 2009

John Frusciante of Red Hot Chili Peppers on Kurt Cobain from Nirvana

Thx RacismIsSchism ---Brief interview from john frusciante of rhcp on kurt cobain, ---Just to clear up any misunderstanding, this video is from 2004, around the time he released "Shadows Collide with People" ---The song at the end is "Invisible Movement", from the To Recorrd Water Only for Ten Days LP

Jack Sherman plays Channel G Telluride Film Festival #1

Thx Javadavida Summertime Cover: Jack Sherman, Lane Rider & Carrie of High Plains open for Michael Michael Schoenfeld's Channel G at Sheridan Opera House, Telluride, CO. - Helping non-profits tell their stories using short film and creating global exposure and fundraising opportunities for solution orientated projects around the globe.