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Mostrando las entradas de marzo 17, 2009

FLEX videoTutorials

TAken from "Flex in a Week" : uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuseful! Day 1: Flex basics Video: Comparing Flash, Flex, Flash Player and AIR (5:30) Video: Introducing Flex Builder (7:22) Video: Creating a Flex Builder workspace and project (7:04) Video: Using pre-built Flex controls (4:34) Video: Understanding MXML (4:07) Exercise: Creating a project and laying out controls (PDF, 832K) ( Download Solution , ZIP, 14K) Video: Binding data between controls (5:48) Video: Handling user events (6:22) Video: Introducing the event object (10:40) Video: Adding EventListeners with ActionScript (5:21) Exercise: Binding data and handling a user event (PDF, 367K) ( Download Starter , ZIP, 14K; Solution , ZIP, 14K) Video: Retrieving data via HTTPService (8:26) Exercise: Populating a control from an HTTPService request (PDF, 512K) (Download assets , ZIP, 18K; Starter , ZIP, 14K; Solution , ZIP, 32K) Day 2: Component development Video: Displaying data...