This is pretty long but hopefully comprehensive. I suggest you print it out to use as a future reference. Hopefully it'll fit on one page When you change drivers, you should not just overwrite one set with the other. Whilst that works with other types of drivers and it can work sometimes with v/card drivers, it is best to use Add an Remove Progs from the Control Panel to remove previous drivers first. XP professes to remove driver entries from the registry and with all the many driver exchanges I have carried out I have found nothing to the contrary Sometimes nVidia alters the root files of its drivers and if you overwrite these you will get a conflict and of course problems. To ensure all remnants of your existing drivers have been removed: Click-START then RUN and type in the dialogue box regedit and then click OK. You will then be faced with a drop-down list. Click the cross in the box next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER. When it opens, click on the cross next to SOFTWARE. Scroll down and...